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sexta-feira, maio 10, 2019


THE ESQUISITE BEAUTY,  COLORZ and perfume of flowers have inspired artists and poets for centuries. Flowers are among the most brigtly colored of all linving things.   They include sun-loving desert marigolds, hardy poppies in the snowy arctic, tropical orchids, and cultivated garden roses, as well as some tiny  inconspicuous flowers. Without the thousands of different flowers. And herbs that exist, bees could not make honey, butterflies and hummingbirds would have no food, we would have no flowerbeds, and and perfume would perfume would have fragance. For most of us, the word "flower" describes any flowering plant that is particularly colorful or pretty. To the reproductive part of a plant - its bloom or blossom. The Word "herb" is an everyday name we give to smaller,  less colorful flowering plants whose  leaves and blossoms have a strong. Pleasant acent and taste. (The random house)

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